Saints row 2 pc framerate fix
Saints row 2 pc framerate fix

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"His passion was palpable and infectious for everything he loved." "Mike was one of the best of us, and the world is no doubt darker without him in it," McCabe wrote. The news of his passing was confirmed by Volition lead game designer Ryan McCabe, who released a tribute to Mike Watson. Progress on the patch remained steady and determined until Watson tragically lost the battle to stage four cancer on August 25. Both Volition and Deep Silver have been incredibly supportive and have always given me the opportunity to leave the project with a solemn vow to make sure it gets finished without me."

saints row 2 pc framerate fix

However, he did assert that progress on the official Saints Row 2 patch will continue, writing that "it is 100% my choice to spend my last days contributing to it. In May, Watson released an impassioned post to confirm that his illness has led to him stepping down from his position as Volition's community manager. Therefore, after finding the long assumed to be lost source code for the second installment, Watson planned to rectify the port issues as a significant tribute to the Saints Row community. For the uninitiated, the original game-breaking port created by CD Projekt RED was dragged through the mud by fans because of its many problems. In doing so, Watson went from community manager at Volition to leading development on the anticipated official PC patch for Saints Row 2. RELATED: Saints Row Reboot Confirms Character Creation is Still in the Game Not only did Watson iron out many of the title's creases and bugs, but he further implemented a whole new pack-a-punch arsenal, over 40 character customisation options, and a lot more. His work on breathing new life into the eccentrically bizarre Saints Row franchise through various renowned mods and fan interactions left a tremendous impact, as many now mourn the loss of the beloved icon.Ĭommonly acknowledged within the community as a super modder for the action-adventure franchise, Watson famously secured his status when he transformed Saints Row 2 on PC through the highly acclaimed Gentlemen of the Row mod, which he gave away to gamers for free. Senior community developer at Volition, Mike Watson, has sadly passed away after a long battle with cancer.

Saints row 2 pc framerate fix