Up is down piano
Up is down piano

up is down piano

It’s important to check for trash, crumbs, or other debris in the between the keys and underneath the keys. Be extra careful doing this to black keys, as they tend to be more fragile. Take a thin, flat tip screwdriver and see if gently separating the sides of the keys free the key. This will only happen to piano keys that are made with wood.

up is down piano

If the piano has been stored in high humidity, it is possible that the keys are swollen and are now pressing against each other. The next thing to check is the key itself. It is also possible that the player or somebody in the house leaned too hard on the key slip and warped the key slip slightly. The wood of the key slip can swell slightly, which causes the key slip to expand and press against the keys. This usually happens if the piano is being stored in high humidity. If the key comes unstuck, then the key slip is the problem. If the key is currently stuck, try gently pulling the key slip away from the key. If you can stick some paper or a paperclip in between the key and the key slip, then that’s not the problem. Can you see space there? There should be several millimeters of space. Look down in between the key and the key slip. There should be room for the key to be pressed down and then let up without ever touching or rubbing against the key slip in front of the key. The key slip is the board that sits in front of the keys. This will only be the case if the sticky key is white, because the black keys do not touch the key slip. The first thing to check is whether the white key is too close to the key slip. To begin, start at the front of the offending key. Start At The Front Of The Key & Check The Key Slip

Up is down piano